Welcome to WFLD:

Laser in Dentistry Academic Organization in the World

Supporting Scientific Research, Clinical Applications and Education of Laser in Dentistry

WFLD members from all over the World

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WFLD members from all over the World

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WFLD Recent Activities/News

WFLD 17th Congress was held on 14th April 2023

From 13 to 16 of April 2023 ,we have participated in the 17th WFLD World Congress in Wroclaw Poland. A successful congress with more than 500 participants from more than 40 countries around the world. During the congress, the official ceremony of the delivery of the European diploma of the EMDOLA laser master was also held. Thanks to Prof. Kinga Grzechy Lesniak Chairperson of the Organizing Committee and Prof. Aldo Brugnera the chairman of the international scientific committee and to all team for all the work and congratulate them on the success of this new edition of WFLD. We will see each other next year 2024 in September at Brazil.

Big thanks for the organizers: We would like to thank Prof. Kinga Lesniak and her husband for the excellent congress organization. Special thanks for the dean Prof. Dominick Marzena for putting her authority and her faculty in our disposition. Moreover, we  would like to thank the Polish dental society and their organizing team . You were amazing . The WFLD congress in Wrocław 2023 was a successful congress in all the fields scientific, social and organization. President of WFLD,  Prof. Toni Zeinoun

APD 2021 Scientific Conference

Asia Pacific Division (APD) of the World Federation for Laser Dentistry (WFLD) has been the forerunner in providing evidence-based dental laser education in the Asian Pacific region for more than a decade. The 2021 APD Scientific Conference was held ON-LINE from July 16th -17th 2021. The theme of the Conference was on “New Developments in Dental Laser Applications and Education”. The conference brought together more than 30 international professionals, clinicians, researchers and educators to present new developments in bio-photonic application and education in Dentistry. Check Abstract Book

WFLD 2020 Dubai Congress

As part of the AEEDC Conference AEEDC Dubai in collaboration with World Federation of Laser Dentistry ( WFLD ) presented a two day program dedicated to showcase the clinical experience and latest researches and findings in the field of laser dentistry . This conference was  an excellent platform for surgeons, trainees, allied health professionals, healthcare experts in the field and industry partners for learning and networking opportunities.

AEEDC Conference took place at Dubai International Convention & Exhibition Centre from 4- 6 February 2020

More details can be found here.

First Asia Pacific Division (APD)-WFLD Conference

The First Asia Pacific Division Conference and The 4th National  Academic Conference of the Chinese Society of  Laser Dentistry (CSLD) First APD-WFLD  Conference -Esteemed  Guests, Speakers,  Delegates and Chinese Stomatological  Association (CSA)-CSLD, CISTE, APD and the local organizing teams “Dental excellence with photonic/ Laser technology”

The Conference took place atGrand Hyatt, Beijing, China, from 8- 10 November 2019

More details can be found here.

Stay Tuned


18-06-2023: President Letter

A Message from the President of the WFLD

The World Federation for Laser Dentistry (WFLD) is a non-profit organization committed to the advancement and practice of Laser Dentistry. It is the most reputable and established, leading international dental laser organization, supporting the scientific research, clinical application, and education of lasers in dentistry.
The WFLD began as the International Society for Laser Dentistry (ISLD). In 1988, the late Professor Hajime Yamamoto successfully organized the initial International Congress on Lasers in Dentistry in Tokyo, Japan; the first of what would continue as biennial ISLD congresses. In 2006, the ISLD was expanded to create five International Divisions and was renamed the WFLD, with WFLD congresses continuously and successfully being held since.
Since 1991, I have been working at Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Department of Periodontology as a periodontist actively engaged in laser research these 30-plus years. I have been fortunate to be able to attend nearly all ISLD and then WFLD congresses since the 3rd Salt Lake City congress in 1992. Participation in these meetings has provided both my students and me with many important experiences including making presentations as well as even
occasionally receiving awards. Through its diverse professional opportunities, the ISLD/WFLD has contributed to the development of our careers as researchers in laser dentistry.
Looking over the past, at the 8th Yokohama congress in 2002, I served as General Secretary under the Chairman (and my mentor), Professor Isao Ishikawa. At the 16th Nagoya congress in 2016, I worked for the Chairman, Professor Kenji Yoshida. Later, to our great loss, Professor Yoshida suddenly passed away in 2019 and I assumed his roll on the Executive Board as the representative from Japan. Through these incredible experiences, I have come to truly appreciate the significant contributions these great leaders from Japan; the late Professor Yamamoto, Professor Ishikawa, and the late Professor Yoshida, have made in guiding me in laser dentistry and in the ISLD/WFLD.
At the General Assembly meeting on June 10, 2023, I was elected President of the WFLD with the kind support of the President, Professor Toni Zeinoun; the General Secretary, Professor Aldo Brugnera; the Chairman of International Relations and Internal Legal Affairs, Professor Samir Nammour; as well as the other Board members. As I assume this presidency, I extend my deepest appreciation to all the Board members for their ongoing tireless efforts and boundless contributions. As much as I consider this a great honor, I also sense the immense responsibility I undertake to be successful in this very important position in service to the WFLD. I will take inspiration and strength from the amazing spirit exemplified by the successive great WFLD past Presidents as I put forth my best efforts to further develop this important organization.
Finally, I would like to ask each of you; university researchers and educators, clinicians, laser societies, and laser companies, for your kind, thoughtful support and your ongoing contributions of time, talent, and resources to the WFLD. Your support and collaboration are essential as we strive to effect enhanced laser science and therapy in dentistry, allowing patients throughout the world to realize access to, and receive the benefits of, continued advances in dental laser treatment.

Sincerely yours,

Akira AOKI, DDS, PhD
President, WFLD

27-03-2023: Participation of Brazilian Dentists and Researchers in Poland Conference

Dentists and Brazilian researchers participate in the International Laser Congress in Poland

A group of 33 dentists and Brazilian researchers will participate in the 17th International Congress of the World Society for Laser in Dentistry (WFLD) in Wroclaw, Poland from April 14/16, 2023. Among over 20 countries and 300 participants have confirmed their presence and Brazil will have the largest delegation.

The Brazilian group is comprised of 26 professionals from the State of São Paulo, all invited by the current General Secretary and Chairman of the Scientific Committee and former President (2012-2016), Professor Aldo Brugnera Junior, PhD . Dr Brugnera is also a member of the Technical Lasertheray Chamber of the São Paulo Regional Council (CROSP), a professor at the University of Liege (Belgium), Senior Editor of the Journal Photomedicine and Laser Surgery (USA) and a pioneer in teaching and researching scientific laser in Brazil.

Upon his visit to CROSP’s President, Dr Braz Antunes, he emphasized the importance of the international event for Odontology professionals. He also talked about his experience in laser research and the major highlights of a career spanning over 30 years, having written eight books, two of which were gifted to Dr Antunes, and published over 150 scientific papers.

Regarding the absolute majority of dentists being from the State of São Paulo, he pointed out: “There are several laser research centers in Brazil, However it all started in São Paulo at UniCastelo, followed by the Department of Laser of the São Paulo Association of Dental Surgeons (APCD). To this day, APCD has held several congresses in this field and there are research centers at USP, UNESP and other universities spread around the state. Thus, we can say it is the State of São Paulo that accounts for our country’s importance in the international scenario of all aspects concerning laser in dentistry , being one of the most acknowledged among its peers”.

Important topics

This year the Congress will be about Laser and Health Science. According to Dr Brugnera, Odontology is key when considering integrated medicine in treating a patient.

Harvard University, for example, approaches Odontology and Medicine as two fields that walk hand in hand, since 35% of all pathologies originate in the buccal cavity. Bearing this in mind, the congress focuses on broadening the spectrum of laser application in other health areas.

Another topic of the Congress will be the potential the use of laser has to replace some medications at zero cost, as the only cost is the acquisition of the equipment itself. In Hospital Dentistry, laser represents a change in paradigm by synergically working to both prevent and cure buccal lesions. Furthermore, it speeds up the post operatory process by improving the healing process and reducing pain. Additionally, it helps treat throat infections and may even avoid the use of antibiotics.

At the end of the meeting, Dr Antunes congratulated Dr Brugnera on his tireless dedication and efforts to take Brazilian Odontology and Lasertherapy to international levels of excellence and respect and added: “ I wish good luck to all researchers presenting their findings at the Congress, that views scientific development as a means to promote improvement of the buccal health and quality of life of a population”.


WFLD Rules and Terms

WFLD rules for the organization of any WFLD Congresses

WFLD rules for the organization of a WFLD Congresses (mandatory conditions for any candidate for a WFLD congress organization)

The WFLD Board for general congress or the direction of divisions for divisional congresses, decides by majority on the appointment of a congress Chairperson to lead the organization and the committees of the WFLD general or division congress. This Chairperson must receive the prior approval of the financial and business plan of his congress from the authorities of the WFLD in order to start the organization of the congress, the prior acceptance of the authorities of the WFLD on the content of the scientific program of the congress, on the composition of the evaluation committee which awards scientific prizes to the best congress scientific presentations, the procedure and the conduct of the opening and closing ceremonies, the congress announcements, the organization of the website and all the scientific details. The congress should be dedicated primarily as a WFLD congress and can be organized in conjunction with local, national or regional meetings. The appointment of the organization Chairperson for any WFLD congress becomes effective after signing the congress contract with the WFLD authorities and having agreeing these mandatory rules and conditions of the WFLD congresses organization. The Chairperson of a WFLD Congress is solely responsible for the financial matters of the Congress and bears any negative financial balances resulting from the organization of the Congress. The WFLD and the divisions can never be involved at any level in the financial matters of a WFLD Congress. The WFLD collaborates in congresses, and without any further obligation, by promoting the congress among members and supporters and encouraging them to attend the Congress, by organizing the final scientific program of the congress, by offering the adapted invited congress speakers between the WFLD scientific opinion leaders without personal honoraria. At the end of each congress, and within the 2 months following the congress date,  the Chairperson must  transfer the amount of  money decided in the contract signed with the WFLD to the WFLD bank account.  In default to a signed contract, a 50 %  from the positive congress financial balance has to be transferred to the WFLD bank account. In case of litigation or dispute with the congress Chairperson for non-respect of the WFLD rules, the court of Brussels is the only authority to statute on this issue.

Meet the Board

Prof. Akira Aoki



Prof. Paolo Vescovi

President Elect


Prof. Toni Zeinoun

Immediate Past-President


Prof. Jamil Shibli

General Secretary

Prof. Samir Nammour

Director of International Relations and Internal Legal Affairs

Prof.Aldo Brugnera Junior

Director of South American Division


Prof. Umberto Romeo



Prof. Carmen Todea

Director of European Division


Prof. Sajee Sattayut

Director of Asia Pacific Division


Dr. Sonia Bordin-Akroyd

Director of North American Division

Dallas, USA

Dr. Paul Nahas

Director of Middle East and Africa Division


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