Up Coming Events

WFLD Upcoming Events

European Master Degree in Oral Laser Applications (EMDOLA)


Prof. Samir Nammour

WFLD-APD "Basic Laser Certification Course"

APD Director

Prof. Sajee Sattayut

PBM2024 London - August 23rd-25th, 2024

Previous Events

18th WFLD Congress

Congress Chairman

Prof. Aldo Brugnera Junior


Scientific Chairman

Dr. Jamil Shibli

Honorary Chairman

Prof. Samir Nammour

WFLD-17th Congress-2023


Wroclaw, Poland


14-16 April 2023

Congress Chair

Kinga Grzech-Leśniak

8th WFLD-ED Congress-2021


Palais des Congrès, Le Corum, Montpellier


28-30, October 2021

Congress Chairman

Dr. Gerard Rey

The 2021 APD Scientific Conference, July 16th -17th 2021

Asia Pacific Division (APD) of the World Federation for Laser Dentistry (WFLD) has been the forerunner in providing evidence-based dental laser education in the Asian Pacific region for more than a decade. The 2021 APD Scientific Conference was held ON-LINE from July 16th -17th 2021. The theme of the Conference was on “New Developments in Dental Laser Applications and Education”. The conference brought together more than 30 international professionals, clinicians, researchers and educators to present new developments in bio-photonic application and education in Dentistry.


As part of the AEEDC Conference AEEDC Dubai in collaboration with World Federation of Laser Dentistry ( WFLD ) presented a two day program dedicated to showcase the clinical experience and latest researches and findings in the field of laser dentistry . This conference was excellent platform for surgeons, trainees, allied health professionals, healthcare experts in the field and industry partners for learning and networking opportunities.

WFLD President, Professor Toni Zeinoun, presented the AEEDC Dubai-2020 Congress trophy to the President of Lebanese Republic, General Michel Aoun